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INTERNAL APPLICANTS - If you have never applied through Recruit & Hire (R&H) before, click the "Internal" button at the top right corner of the screen in order to create an account.

If you have applied through R&H before when you first joined the district, please click the "Internal" button at the top right corner of the screen in order to create an Internal Applicant account.

If you have applied through R&H before, log in with your username and password for Recruit & Hire to view internal postings.

ALL APPLICANTS: To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below and click "Apply". Once you submit an application, you will receive a confirmation number.

Forgot your login information? Click on "I forgot my Username or Password" in the blue "Menu" box to the right.


1. Instead of uploading a cover letter as an attachment, we recommend that you copy/paste your cover letter within the application on the designated page. If you choose to upload a cover letter, it will be associated with all of your applications. If you choose to change and attach a new one, it will replace the cover letter in all previous applications.

2. Uploading Attachments - you are limited to uploading 6 documents as attachments. Prioritize transcripts. If you have multiple transcripts, we suggest you scan them all into one document to upload as one attachment.

Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Educational Support Professional - ABEC01/10/2025Educational Support ProfessionalAnn Bremer Education CenterApply
Northern Star Online (NSO) Art Teacher - Part-time12/20/2024LicensedNorthern Star Online (NSO)Apply
Northern Star Online (NSO) Life Science Teacher - Part-time12/20/2024LicensedNorthern Star Online (NSO)Apply
Deaf Blind Intervener - Itinerant Services12/20/2024OtherItinerant ServicesApply
School Health Care Specialist - LPN/RN12/11/2024LicensedCareer & Tech CenterApply
Special Education Elementary School Teacher - ASD/DCD (NEC)12/05/2024LicensedNorth Education CenterApply
Special Education Teacher - EBD/ASD (SEC)12/03/2024LicensedSouth Education CenterApply
On-Call Substitute School Nurse11/22/2024LicensedDistrict-WideApply
SEL Program Coordinator - SEC/WEC11/22/2024LicensedDistrict Service Center - Student SupportsApply
Special Education Teacher - EBD (ABEC)11/22/2024LicensedAnn Bremer Education CenterApply
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Teacher - ABEC11/22/2024LicensedAnn Bremer Education CenterApply
Educational Support Professional - CTC11/22/2024Educational Support ProfessionalCareer & Tech CenterApply
Special Education Middle School Teacher - ASD/EBD (NEC)11/22/2024LicensedNorth Education CenterApply
ASL Interpreter11/22/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Developmental Cognitive Disabilities (DCD) Teacher11/12/2024LicensedAnn Bremer Education CenterApply
School Counselor - (WEC)10/29/2024LicensedWest Education CenterApply
School Psychologist10/25/2024LicensedSouth Education CenterApply
Physical/Health Disabilities Teacher - Long-term substitute09/30/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Speech and Language Pathologist - long-term substitute09/30/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Northern Star Online (NSO) Medical Careers Teacher09/05/2024LicensedNorthern Star Online (NSO)Apply
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) - ABEC08/29/2024LicensedAnn Bremer Education CenterApply
Northern Star Online (NSO) ASL Teacher08/28/2024LicensedNorthern Star Online (NSO)Apply
Occupational Therapist04/26/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Part-time Speech and Language Pathologist (2024-2025 School Year)02/09/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Part-time Orientation and Mobility Specialist (2024-2025 School Year)02/09/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Speech Language Pathologist (2024-2025 School Year)02/09/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Blind or Visually Impaired (BVI) Teacher (2024-2025 School Year)02/09/2024LicensedItinerant ServicesApply
Northern Star Online (NSO) Teacher08/08/2023LicensedNorthern Star Online (NSO)Apply
Food Service Substitute07/24/2023Food ServiceDistrict-WideApply
Temp Hire - Quick Form12/20/2021Temporary or SeasonalDistrict-WideApply